Free Trial

The main task of the trial is to check speed and reliability of the communication channel reaching the end user.

Most often, a free trial period used by our foreign customers, since it is impossible to assess in advance all the features of the global routing. The trial period can also reveal the impact of the last mile provider.

For the trial, we recommend a standard virtual server with medium parameters. Have a look at all standard VPS configurations in the VERnet DC VPS service description. We can also provide another configuration on request.

Standard free trial period is 1 week.

We’ll contact you to refine all the details of the free trial.

Note: We reserve the right not to respond to the request, if the real purpose of the test is to get free service.

Please complete the order form:

    Your name/nickname (required)

    Your e-mail (required)

    Company name

    Phone number

    Need OS installation? Select OS type:

    Purpose of testing (required)

    This form is not personal data collection within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
    Your given information is not identifying, not verified and used only to provide an answer to your request.